The Texas Strategic Bitcoin Reserve Act (SB21) has been added to the agenda under "Notice of Intent" on Wednesday, March 5, indicating that the bill could go to a vote tomorrow.
德克萨斯州战略比特币储备法案(SB21)已于 3 月 5 日星期三被添加到“意向通知”下议程,表明该法案可能会在明天进行投票。
The Federal Reserve's Goolsbee said it is satisfied that the Federal Reserve is on track to achieve its 2% inflation target and must pay attention to the specifics of tariffs.
The Bitcoin Layer2 network Stacks published a post saying that sBTC Cap-2 has been opened, the SBTC limit is 80%, and the total deposit limit is increased to 3,000 BTC. Holding sBTC can earn up to 5% of the real Bitcoin reward.
比特币Layer2网络Stacks发文称,sBTC Cap-2已开放,SBTC上限为80%,存款上限总量增至3000枚BTC,持有sBTC,可赚取高达5%APY的真实比特币奖励。
According to Cointelegraph, the Georgia Senate has introduced Bill 228 (SB 228), which proposes to amend Title 50, Title 17, Section 3 of the state code regarding state depositories, authorizing the state depository board to allow the state treasury to invest in bitcoin. The bill, which was introduced by five senators including Senator Esteves of the 35th Ward and is awaiting approval by the Senate, requires the state Treasury to establish policies and procedures for the receipt, storage and tra...
据 Cointelegraph 报道,佐治亚州参议院提出第 228 号法案(SB 228),拟修改该州法典第 50 篇第 17 章第 3 条有关州存管机构的规定,授权州存管委员会允许州财政部投资比特币。 该法案要求州财政部制定比特币接收、存储和交易的相关政策与程序,并规定州政府持有的比特币必须按照这些政策执行。该法案由第 35 选区的 Esteves 参议员等五位参议员共同提出,目前正等待佐...
Goolsby stressed that it would take at least two or three months of data to "count". Click to view...
Chicago Fed President AUSTAN GOOLSBEE said in an interview that the United States still has a lot of work to do to achieve inflation of 2%.
SBF, the former CEO and co-founder of FTX, told the New York Sun in a Brooklyn jail that he believes he was wrongfully convicted. Saying his biggest mistake was allowing Sullivan & Cromwell to take over FTX in November 2022, SBF said he should have continued to deal with liquidity issues rather than letting the firm take over and mislead clients. Due to this decision, millions of customers were told that their funds were exhausted and had to wait two years before they started receiving payments,...
Federal Reserve Goolsby: Once inflation falls, interest rates can fall further. (Golden Ten)
据 CoinDesk 报道,美国联邦法院详细列出了 SBF 因欺诈被审判并入狱前拥有的资产规模,以及美国政府如何迅速介入,没收了约 10 亿美元的金融资产和两架飞机。 美国纽约南区地方法院于周二发布的最终没收令正式剥夺了 SBF 在一个长达数十页的财产清单中的所有权。法院文件揭示了这位曾经的亿万富翁所宣称拥有的广泛资产,包括他共同创办的交易公司 Alameda Research 的大量加密资产。 在这些涉及加密货币的众多页面中,Alameda 在 Binance 的资产包括:5600 万美元...